Aquest divendres van presentar com a contingut descarregable pel joc Rock Band la cançó Still Alive, més coneguda per ser la cançó dels crèdits a Portal, l'experiència imprescindible de la Orange Box.
La cançó va ser presentada dins d'un concert del compositor original de la cançó, l'americà Jonathan Coulton, que va intentar completar la cançó i de poc ho aconsegueix XD
Per altra banda, els de Telltale Games em van enviar un mail sobre la reedició de "Sam & Max Surfin' the Highway", una recopilació de les aventures en còmic de Sam & Max, que havia estat descatalogada durant anys i era la preferida pels especuladors d'eBay. Com que ja feia temps que jo la buscava (i que no estava disposat a pagar les barbaritats que en demanaven), em vaig interessar per veure l'edició, i em vaig acabar quedant l'edició especial de tapa dura, numerada i signada pel creador d'aquest duo: Steve Purcell.
Uematsu vol que el tema de Super Mario Bros sigui l'himne nacional
Nobuo Uematsu, compositor de la majoría de temes musicals de la saga Final Fantasy (els que valen la pena, vamos...) ha declarat en una entrevista que creu que el tema principal de Super Mario Bros, el que tothom que hagi jugat segur que recorda, hauria de ser l'himne nacional de Japó, ja que així canviaria la manera en que els estrangers veiem el pais nipó.
Jo, sense cap mena de dubte, firmo on calgui per portar aquesta proposta endevant xD
1UP: No, Nintendo rarely does. Who would you rate most highly amongst your contemporaries, like other composers in the video game field? Who would you consider the cream of the crop besides yourself?
NU: I think there are a lot of talented composers these days compared to when we started back in the day. But if I were to name just one person then it would be [Koji] Kondo-san and his beats and music in Super Mario, just his upbeat tempos. I'm sure everyone in the world -- no borderlines or age limit -- everyone in the world who's come across Super Mario's music will never forget that melody. And his character himself in person -- I just saw him a couple of days ago in Osaka, but every time I see him, his music and his personality and his characteristics are just one big package. It's him and his music. Just being very relaxed and fun and upbeat and no ulterior motives, no lies. There's nothing that's not him that's in his music. His style is purely translated into the music he creates.
And I think Super Mario music from Super Mario games, and also the music in the Dragon Quest series when they first hit it big, sort of stepped up the level for game music in Japanese gaming culture, so I think a lot of people who came across that were surprised that music can have so much impact in a game and that a lot of people started showing more and more interest in game music after those two came out. I know I said one person, but if I were to name another person, it would be [Dragon Quest composer, Koichi] Sugiyama-san.
I think that the Super Mario song should be the national anthem for Japan. [Hums the death refrain] So when someone wins a gold medal at the Olympics, a Japanese athlete, the flag should go up with the theme song. Shoop!
1UP: Japan would become a lot more popular.
NU: Yeah, yeah. The world would have a different image of Japan if we use that.
Ara mateix són les 5 de la matinada, i després de jugar 5 hores i 20 minuts sense parar al Smash Bros i que hagin semblant 5 minuts només, podem dir que ha tingut la millor estrena que podia tenir un joc d'aquesta mena.
S'obre la veda!
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